Резюме поиска работы программистов
Должность: ASP.NET, MS SQL Server
Резюме размещено: 2005-05-10
Опыт по специальности: 3
Возраст: 31 год
Образование: высшее
Пол: мужской
Знание иностранного языка: English
Заработная плата: $400
Контактная информация соискателя:
Имя: Igor Bistriy
Подробная информация о поиске работы:
pr. Illicha 16, apt. 56, Kyiv, Ukraine
Object-Oriented Programming,
WEB programming,
Database Development,
Client-Server and Multi-Tier Applications,
Project Management,
ASP.NET. VB.NET, C# (3 years);
MS SQL Sever, Transact-SQL, MS Access, (3 years);
ADO.NET, ADO, ODBC, DAO, RDO (3 years);
ASP, VB6.0, COM, MTS (2 years);
HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, VBScript, HTML, DHTML (5 years);
XML, XSL (2 years);
Microsoft Information Server (IIS) (5 years);
C/C++, MFC (1 year);
Win32 API (2 years)
Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD).
May 2002 – Now, Quick Solution, Kyiv, Ukraine
TITLE: Senior Software Developer, Project Leader
Analyzing, designing and implementing Windows-based desktop and Internet/Intranet software;
Database development;
Communication with clients;
Requirements definition;
Project planning;
Controlling project flow through the entire project lifecycle
Jan 2001 – May 2002, InfoTec LLC, Kyiv, Ukraine
TITLE: Senior Software Developer
Responsibilities: Developed databases, Internet and desktop multi tier applications
March 1998 – Jan 2001, ElectroBur, Kyiv, Ukraine.
TITLE: Software Developer
Developing database structure, business logic and User Interface for a power management system.
A web site which allows selling goods to a number of users. The system provides a facility to browse the product catalogue, build orders, submit credit card information, view orders history etc. The administrator has ability to customize look and feel, manage users, manage catalogue and price information, view online statistics of the site usage etc.
My position in this project is the Project Leader
Total project work is about 10 man-years
Technologies used in this project are ASP.NET, ADO.NET, VB.NET, C#, MS SLQ Server 2000, Transact-SQL, XML, DHTML, JavaScript, IIS.
Task Tracker
A desktop application which allow a team of several people to coordinate their work. The application communicates with a centralized portal available in intranet. The system allows creating tasks, assigning tasks to other members of the team, monitoring task implementation, tracking time spent on the task processing, sending automatic email notifications etc.
My position in this project is the Project Leader
Total project work is about 15 man-months
Technologies used in this project are VC++, MFC, COM, ASP.NET, C#, Web Services, IIS, MS SQL Server 2000.
E-shop builder
A commont engin which allow easy and quick E-commerce site creation. The system consists of a mumber of independed componects which can work together in different combination. This provides an ability to easily change the final functionality a e-commerce site built on those components.
My position in this project is a Software Developer.
Total poject work is about 10 man-months
Technologies used in this project are ASP, ADO, MS SQL Server 7.0, VB6
Executives Web site
A web site for key business executives. The members of the site create trust relationship and exchange their knowledge and experience.
My position in this project is a Software Developer.
Total poject work is about 5 man-months
Technologies used in this project are ASP, ADO, Microsoft Access.
MSc, Applied Mathematics and Physics
Kyiv Institute of Physics and Technology (KIPT), 1994
Kyiv, Ukraine